Payment software:
make payments simply and
easily with banks around the world

Your paymentsabroad
Our solution allows Small Businesses and VSEs, regardless of their sector of activity, to generate payment fileswhich are compatible with banks around the world thanks to the international ISO 20022 standard. Cegid Iziago allows you to enter directly into the tool all the information requested by the banks, regardless of the type of payment you need to make (domestic, SEPA, international).
1. Creation of payment orders
Simply fill in all the information in the tool or import an order file in Excel or text format with separators. Our software will convert it into a SEPA XML or ISO 20022 XML payment file.
- Reduce the risk of rejected payments by providing the level of detail required by banks and a compliant file format regardless of the beneficiary’s country.
Create your transfer remittances from your smartphone with the Iziago Mobile Application.
2. File deposit at the bank
When the payment file is finalized, the tool connects to your bank’s website for you to upload the ISO 20022 or SEPA file.
Reusable templates
- Option of saving and reusing recurring remittances (salary payments, for example)
- Rapid data entry list for mass payments (supplier invoice payments, expense claims)
- Ability to apply the same comment to all payment orders
- Solutions for automating certain actions via templates and input masks will save you precious time when making payments.
Reliable third party database
- Creation by entry (web interface or mobile application)
- Creation by import (web only)
- Classification into user-definable groups (defaults are: employees, suppliers, customers and other)
- Partitioning and access controlled by user
- You own this information and have centralised, secure management of your data. You can export your database of third parties in Excel format at any time.
Accurate payment tracking
When you cannot monitor payments closely, various complications such as the following can arise:
- Payments disputed by your suppliers
- Payment refusals and associated banking costs
- Lack of visibility once payments are sent to the bank
With our solution, you can track your remittances.
- Track your submitted remittance history by viewing the list of remittances submitted to the bank with the time they were generated and the name of the user who created them. You can export the history to Excel at any time.
A Saas solution accessibleeverywhere
Our payment software for VSEs and Small Businesses in SaaS mode (Software as a service) is available online andon smartphone thanks to Iziago mobile application. You can connect to it securely from anywhere. Solutions in SaaS mode are particularly well suited for collaborative work or for companies which work from home. No installation is required on your computer. Updates are done automatically and do not cause accounting problems.
To simplify payment management within your company, allow as many users as you wish to access the online and mobile tool. In addition, our payment software is free for 1 month so that you can fully test its features and see if they suit you.
Cash forecasting module
The tool automatically generates forecasts for your payments and updates your cash management plan.
Direct debits Module
The Direct Debit solution allows you to collect your customers easily and quickly.
Account statements module
With the Account Statement module, you can automatically centralize your account statements.