Manage your budget treasury in Cegid Iziago
Are you having trouble visualizing your company’s financial situation over the long term? To help you, we have added the Budget Treasury feature in Cegid Iziago!
Budget treasury: what for?
Cegid Iziago now enables you to create forecast budgets and then monitor the differences between these budgets and your treasury transactions (actual and forecast).
A company’s budget treasury represents all of the expense and revenue forecasts for an accounting period, generally a calendar year. The recording of its expenditure and income forecasts makes it possible to anticipate, several months in advance, any drop in activity and thus to find solutions quickly.
Income represents all incoming transactions: customer payments, subsidies, release of loans, capital contributions, tax credits (VAT, etc.), etc..
Expenditure represents all outgoing transactions: supplier payments, salaries and social security charges, investments, taxes (VAT, IS…), loan or contribution repayments, dividends, etc.
You will immediately know the treasury balance of the period as well as the cumulative balance from one period to another and you will quickly identify financial difficulties: insufficient sales, delay or failure of payment, too high costs, etc.
You can then quickly contact your accountant and take the necessary measures.
Budget vs Treasury
In Cegid Iziago, the Cash forecasting Module already offered the possibility to create forecasts to monitor your forecast balances. You could already manage your daily treasury and see in real time your bank account balance and upcoming payments.
The new Budget Treasury feature adds a long-term dimension to the Cash forecasting Module as it allows you to plan your expense and revenue targets for one year, minimum. This will allow you to have greater visibility on your finances. The forecasts recorded in the module will of course be taken into account in your budget.
How does it work in Cegid Iziago?
The Cash forecasting Module is now composed of two sections: Daily Treasury, for forecast management, and Budget Treasury.
This new section allows you to manage your budget (creation and modification) and to follow its progress.
To create your company’s budget on Cegid Iziago, nothing could be easier! You just have to enter positive amounts for revenues and negative amounts for expenses directly in an editable table. The table is composed of columns for the periods (month, week or quarter) and rows for the pre-configured budgetary codes that allow you to categorize forecasts.
Once your amounts are entered in the table, you will be able to follow your expense and revenue targets and compare your cumulative cash flow (realized movements, recorded forecasts…) to those forecasted in your budget. You will also be able to see at a glance the progress of your budget thanks to progress bars.
We regularly deliver new features on your Cegid Iziago application to facilitate the work of business managers. With this new Budget section, you will be able to anticipate difficulties and better manage your treasury.