Cash burn
Cash burn is an indicator of negative cash flow. It corresponds to the cash a company spends each month to cover its expenses.
Related definitions
Treasury plan
A treasury plan lists all the collections and disbursements of a company over a defined period, with a monthly breakdown…
Treasury forecast
Treasury forecasts is complementary to a company’s cash flow plan. It consists of listing each month’s forecast collections and disbursements…
API (Application Programming Interface)
An API is a programming interface that enables different applications to communicate with each other and exchange data.
Cash balance
The cash balance is the difference between collections and disbursements, i.e. the amount of cash available to your company to
TMS (Treasury Management System)
TMS is the acronym for Treasury Management System, a cash management software package.
Forecast balance
The forecast balance of your treasury is an indicator to be regularly monitored in your treasury management. It is used